
Apr 29, 20201 min read
What are you looking forward to?
It can be hard living with uncertainty and not having things to look forward to. I remember when I lived in Bolivia for 6 months, I...

Apr 20, 20201 min read
More recordings available
There are now some more audio recordings of the Plain English Version Global Recordings Network (GRN) has finished editing some more...

Apr 13, 20203 min read
Is having your own room a good thing? - Coronavirus Impact
I once had a call from an Aboriginal lady who had arrived on her university campus for a course, but was the only woman there that night....

Feb 21, 20201 min read
MAD OZ 2020 - Ministry, Adventure & Discovery
An opportunity to visit Aboriginal communities Wycliffe's MADÂ trip is designed to give young adults an insight into Bible translation...

Feb 19, 20201 min read
The Plain English Version in Prisons
God's word is for everyone I'm always encouraged when I hear about the Plain English Version (PEV)* being used. I had already heard...

Feb 11, 20201 min read
When people try to be aware of language differences
We were trying to work out whether Aboriginal people tend to understand ‘relatives’ or ‘relations’ better. I had heard non-Indigenous...

Feb 6, 20202 min read
What does the text really mean?
One step in the translation process One of the major steps in translation is working out what the original text meant to the original...

Feb 3, 20201 min read
Laptops & phones
When I was in Sydney I was able to pick up some laptops that had been donated for Bible translation work in Australia and Timor Leste....

Jan 30, 20203 min read
William Cooper and the first Day of Mourning
Did you know that in NSW, 26 January was commemorated as the "Day of Mourning" before it was called "Australia Day"? (Ok, caveat - it was...

Jan 19, 20201 min read
The wet season
I was welcomed back to Darwin with a monsoon, which brought rain and cooler weather. The storms were a little loud some nights and I...

Jan 1, 20201 min read
A typical day
Watch this video to see what a typical day is like for me in Darwin

Dec 18, 20191 min read
Eternal Life
How do you translate that? Dave and I have been looking at the term ‘eternal life’ in the Book of John, and considering how to translate...

Nov 28, 20191 min read
A different kind of church
Chapel at Nungalinya College My office is on the campus of Nungalinya College - a theological college for Indigenous Christians. So I...

Nov 1, 20192 min read
The first book of the PEV Mini-Bible has been submitted for typesetting
Excerpts from Matthew Before the Plain English Version (PEV) Mini-Bible is published, it will be typeset (formatted) by a typesetter. Our...

Oct 27, 20191 min read
A week in Maningrida
Nungalinya College recently ran a translation training workshop in Maningrida, and Dave Glasgow and his wife Kathy were helping out, so I...

Oct 15, 20191 min read
A community checker
Caroline The three main aims in a Bible translation are for it to be Accurate, Beautiful (natural language) and Clear. So before it is...

Sep 29, 20191 min read
Finding illustations
Part of my role in helping prepare the PEV Mini-Bible is to find suitable illustrations. We couldn't find one that showed a merchant...

Sep 22, 20191 min read
Do you like to eat grass?
Helping with the Diploma in Translating classes Nungalinya, the Indigenous Bible College here, recently ran a 3-week intensive for the...

Sep 15, 20191 min read
What does 'fasting' mean?
Avoiding biblical jargon At chapel at Nungalinya College one morning the passage was Mark 2:18-22 and the person running it began by...

Sep 7, 20191 min read
Read the Plain English Version online!
One of the joys of living in the digital age is that we can make Bible translations available before everything is ready to print. You...