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More recordings available

There are now some more audio recordings of the Plain English Version

Global Recordings Network (GRN) has finished editing some more audio recordings of the Plain English Version of the Bible. We had one Aboriginal person read the text, and another read the introduction and headings. Recordings are now available for: Ephesians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Titus, Philemon, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude. People can access the recordings in the PEV Android app, and through the GRN website, and the 5Fish app.

Dave Glasgow and I are continuing to check over the text of the books that have already been translated into the Plain English Version (also available in the app), in preparation for publishing them as one volume, called a mini-Bible.

Give thanks for our volunteer readers and for GRN, and that these recordings are now available. Please pray that, even with the lockdown, people will find out about the recordings and be able to download and share them. And pray that they will listen to them, and that lives will be changed.Continue to pray for the preparation of the PEV mini-Bible, that we will make good progress revising the text and finding pictures.



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©2019 by Kathy Dadd

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