I moved to Darwin at the beginning of May and so far I'm loving it. It still feels like a working holiday, but I'm settling in and getting to know more people.

My main priority at the moment is to work with Dave Glasgow on the Plain English Version of the Bible (an English translation designed for Aboriginal people who speak English as a second language). We are hoping to publish a mini-Bible with over half of the New Testament at the end of the year/beginning of next.

I have been learning from Dave Glasgow, the current coordinator, and helping proof-read and find illustrations. Once all the text is finalised, which is still a way off, it will be typeset (formatted) and published as a book, as well as being put in an app for phones and being recorded for people to listen to. It's been both encouraging and discouraging to see the need for this translation. As people come into the bookshop wanting Biblical resources in English we have little to offer them other than your standard ('hard') English translations. I look forward to one day having the whole Bible available in 'easy' English for Aboriginal people to read and listen to!
