In May we found out that Bible League had sent out almost half of the 10,000 Plain English Version (PEV) Mini-Bibles* that were printed last year, and they were planning another print run in early October. We were both excited and daunted, as we had Genesis almost ready, but weren't sure we'd get it done in time. Thankfully Bible League was happy to delay the printing by a month and we've been able to get it all ready!
Since we were adding the second half of Genesis to the reprint, we decided to also add the other new bits of translation – Jonah and 6 Psalms, and make some small changes elsewhere where people have had difficulties reading or understanding the text.
Give thanks for Paulus who consultant checked Genesis and typeset (formatted) the updated Mini-Bible, and for those who helped proofread it. Pray for a smooth printing process and that both the old and new PEV Mini-Bibles will help people know God better.
*The 'Mini-Bible' is not mini, it just doesn't have the whole Bible, or even the whole New Testament.
