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When students become teachers

Celebrating NAIDOC week

In reality, I am constantly learning from the students at Nungalinya College the Indigenous Bible college where our office is located, but NAIDOC provided a special opportunity. We were all glad that NAIDOC week didn't fall in school holidays this year (thanks COVID) so we could celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Indigenous Australians by getting the students to become our teachers.

Learning to split pandanus leaves for weaving.

Learning about who gets which design painted on them.

These ladies are Bible translators and they previously decided I would fit in to their society as their daughter and granddaughter respectively, giving me a Yirritja design.

Learning about kangaroo tails.

Unfortunately there weren't enough to go around, so I didn't get to try any!

Learning about dances.

Learning about damper.

Give thanks for the celebration of the history, culture and achievements of Indigenous Australians during NAIDOC week. Pray for the closing of the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health, education and employment in Australia, and for other positive changes for Indigenous Australians.



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©2019 by Kathy Dadd

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