On Friday 28th April, Hilton Edwards, the CEO of Bible League AU/NZ, flew to Darwin with 5 copies of the Plain English Version 'Mini-Bible' (i.e. the long-awaited publication with the books of the Bible that have been translated so far). Susanna and I were very excited to see them!

These 5 copies arrived in Sydney just in time for Hilton to bring them to the dedication of the PEV Mini-Bible at the Katherine Christian Convention on 29th-30th April. While we would have liked to have more copies there, we are very thankful to God that 5 arrived in time!
So where were the rest?
10,000 copies were printed, and were expected to be shipped from Singapore in March, but apparently the printer's binder broke. So they hand-bound 5 copies and sent them express to Hilton for the dedication. You can give thanks that the binder was fixed and the rest of the books were bound and passed on to be shipped in June.
PEV Mini-Bible Dedication
The Katherine Christian Convention (KCC) is a weekend conference designed for Indigenous Australians from remote communities, held before the first Monday in May. There were Bible talks from the PEV, songs in Kriol and English, prayers in various languages, kids' activities, and music and dance performances late into the night. We also had our usual book stall with a special focus on PEV resources, giving away booklets and taking orders for the the Mini-Bible. One Uniting Church worker ordered 300 copies!
On the first evening of the convention, we had a special time to dedicate the PEV Mini-Bible.

The CEO of Bible League (the organisation publishing the PEV) and Dave Glasgow (who started the project and taught me all I know) shared about the history of the project and the new publication. My colleague Melody made a video using plain English to explain the Plain English Version. Have a look below!
And my colleague Lucy put together a short video with an interview with Dave Glasgow explaining the history and purpose of the PEV.
New PEV booklets!
We were also very excited to have the new PEV booklets at KCC. The books of John, Acts and a Little Book about the Bible arrived in the Bible League office in Sydney on Monday 24th April. Unfortunately, that didn't allow time to ship them up before KCC, but we managed to find enough people flying to the conference from Sydney to bring a couple of boxes of each!
