Getting feedback about the PEV
Bible League is currently fundraising for the Plain English Version (PEV) publication, so we have been collecting stories and feedback about the PEV. We've heard of lots of people using it all across the country and had really positive feedback about how useful it is for Aboriginal ministry. Even people in Sydney are using it, and one person commented, “that’s just how I talk.”

The man in this photo is Gideon, a Warlpiri man from Central Australia. He and Dave Glasgow lead a Bible study in an Aboriginal housing community here in Darwin. Dave asked him what he thought of the PEV booklets that they use, and he said, “They’re really good ones. They’re good for reading. They’re in easy writing, the words we know, not hard words, but easy words, so we can understand them. … These books are really good for us.”
Give thanks for Bible League, and pray they will receive enough donations to cover the publishing costs of the PEV. Give thanks that so many people are already using the PEV and finding it helpful, and pray that more will find out about it. Please also pray that the printer will be able to source paper for the PEV Mini-Bible despite a paper shortage.