PEV audio checking
Some Plain English Version (PEV) audio recordings have been edited and are now ready for checking. And we are expecting more soon. If you might have time to have a listen, please let me know! (We have a list of people we send instructions and updates to, there's no obligation to do any checking just because you're on the list.)
All sorts of people have found the PEV helpful!
It's such an encouragement to hear that the PEV is being used beyond its target audience. While I was in Brisbane, lots of people said they found the PEV helpful for kids, migrants, people with autism, or just themselves. I know of highly educated people who love listening to it. When I was in Sydney last, someone said their pastor wouldn't let them use it in Bible study because it did all the thinking for you. I took that as quite the compliment!
A few weeks ago, a friend from Sydney sent me this encouraging message:
Hey Kathy, can I just say that I think the PEV is now officially my favourite teaching Bible. I used it last week to prep some kids talks for our church camp, and I'm using it this week to help prep a sermon for Sunday, and it's just so amazingly helpful! It's so clear and explanatory in its language. Kids get it, adults get it, no one stumbles over the phrasing when it's read aloud, it's so good. And it also just feels so genuinely Australian, it feels like listening to a friend talk.