When stress changes meaning
My colleague wrote a short article about how important correct emphasis is in audio recordings of the Bible, otherwise the meaning of something can be completely skewed. The PEV recordings are being done line by line, so as we check them we need to take note of the context and make sure the way it's said is what it's supposed to mean. For example at the end of the parable of the Good Samaritan, the reader originally said, "Which one of them treated that man like he was one of the people around them?” with the emphasis on "that man", as if there were other men in the story who needed help too. You can read Melody's article with PEV examples on facebook or in the AuSIL newsletter. And if you're interested in checking PEV recordings, it's always good to have more volunteers!

Give thanks for the readers, recordist and checkers who make audio recordings of Scripture possible. Pray that the PEV narratives which are being recorded and edited now will be available next year, and pray that people will find out about them and be able to easily access them.