The Bible Society is organising an audio recording of the narratives that have been translated in the Plain English Version, and they are using different voices for the different characters in the Bible. (Global Recordings Network is recording the letters.) The Bible Society wanted to do a week of recording in Brisbane with some Indigenous people in Queensland who were willing to be readers. While most of these recordings are happening without Susanna or me being present, the Bible Society was able to arrange the week of recording in Brisbane for one of the weeks I was there. So I spent last week listening to the PEV being read, checking the words and intonation.

It was great to be a part of it, and helpful to see how the process works and what issues come up. It was also encouraging to hear one of the main readers say that he’s excited to go back to Townsville and promote the PEV, and the other that he’s made it the default Bible translation on his phone. While the PEV is specifically designed for speakers of Indigenous languages, we’ve had lots of positive feedback from Indigenous Australians whose first language is English. Raising awareness of the PEV is a great by-product of needing lots of Indigenous voices for the audio recording!

Give thanks that an audio version of the PEV is being made, and give thanks for the Bible Society, the donors and the Indigenous readers who are making it possible. Give thanks also for the volunteers who have been checking the recordings, and pray for wisdom and time for Peter who is putting them together.
(Wes, in the photo above, was one of our readers. He has an incredible testimony, and it's on YouTube, so you can hear it too. youtube.com/watch?v=0tbTvn5L-Cg)