Making progress
Working from home and not making trips to communities has allowed me to focus on the Plain English Version (PEV) revision. We are working towards publishing what's been translated so far as a single volume, called a mini-Bible. (It will have about 70% of the NT and a few excerpts from the OT.) The translation has been done over about 12 years by a variety of people, so Dave Glasgow and I are reading through it all, improving readability and consistency in translation. We only have a couple of books left to read through, and a few bits left to check with Aboriginal people. We expect to finish in about a month. We have adjusted a number of verses in the PEV translation, so we will then get a trained consultant to double-check that they remain accurate, while volunteer proof-readers check for typos, and we finish choosing pictures to go in the mini-Bible.
Give thanks for everyone who has contributed to the translation of the PEV Bible so far, and for good progress revising the text to go in the mini-Bible.
Pray that nothing will hold up the rest of the publication process.

Being used
It's always encouraging to hear about the Plain English Version being used. The Uniting Church chaplain for West Arnhem Land said they've been using it in Jabiru. And recently, they had a Christian rally in Maningrida. I decided not to go so that I could keep focusing on the PEV revision, but I heard that it went well, and that the PEV was used for some of it. I also heard from a prison chaplain that they gave out 1100 copies of the Christmas story booklet a couple of years ago. And some CMS missionaries said they are using it during hospital visits. And Nungalinya college, where Aboriginal Christians can get training, has been able to restart classes, some of which use the PEV. We've even had comments of appreciation from people overseas that find the app helpful!
Give thanks for those that already know about the PEV and are finding it helpful. Pray that more and more Indigenous Australians will hear about it and use it, and that it will help them understand God's grace.
