The week before last we had a National Bible Translation Gathering organised by Bible Society, Coordinate (Uniting Church) and AuSIL*, and hosted by Nungalinya College. Lots of organisations and language communities from across Australia were represented, and it was great to meet one another and discuss Bible translation needs and opportunities in Australia.

It was a great encouragement to see so many language groups enthusiastic to have Scripture in their own languages. And I had some constructive conversations with partner organisations about funding and recruitment opportunities to be able to support more Aboriginal translators.

Give thanks for the gathering and the shared enthusiasm to see the Bible translated into more Indigenous Australian languages. Pray that the many organisations and communities involved will work together well, and that God will provide all that is needed for Indigenous Australians to easily access the Bible.
*Australian Society for Indigenous Languages. Wycliffe's sister organisation in the Northern Territory which I work under.