I've been excited to get back into more regular Plain English Version (PEV) translation work lately. It has mainly been made possible by Susanna agreeing to take the lead on the audio recording checking. (Thanks Susanna!) Here's a bit from 1 John which Dave Glasgow drafted and I made various suggested changes to. It still has several checks to go through, but you can have a sneak peak.
~ 1 John 1:1-3 PEV draft ~
Listen. I am telling you about somebody very important. You see, he was with God, our father, right at the start, before God made anything. But later God sent him here to the earth and showed him to us mob. We were his close followers. That’s right. We saw him with our own eyes, and we heard him talk, and we touched him with our own hands. I properly know him, and I’m telling you that he can give life to people so that they will live forever. So he is called the Word of life. You know, I’m telling you this so you can be joined up with us. You see, we are joined up with God our father and with his son Jesus Christ. We are in God’s family, and we know that you are joined up with us too.
Give thanks that progress is being made on more PEV translation.
