Making audio recordings of the Old Testament
For most of August there has been a workshop run out of our office to record parts of the Old Testament in Kriol. Kriol is a language that came out of a pidgin English and is now spoken as a mother-tongue by thousands of Aboriginal people. It is the only Aboriginal language with the whole Bible translated. The New Testament is already available in audio form, so the workshop was to record parts of the Old Testament. Volunteer Kriol speakers came from various communities, and Bible Society, Wycliffe/AuSIL and Nungalinya College worked together to make it happen.
After the first week of recording, however, one of the readers, Randal Carew, sadly passed away after having a stroke. He was in his early 30s, but suffered from various health issues. He had survived melioidosis as a baby and was in a wheel chair his whole life. He was a strong Christian and a talented singer songwriter. His mum and aunts were also here for the workshop, so were with him when he passed away. They went home to mourn, but were happy for the recording workshop to continue.
Give thanks for the Kriol recording workshop and the 177 chapters of the Old Testament that were recorded. Pray that people will listen to the Bible and know God better. Also give thanks for Randal's life, faith and testimony, and pray for his family and community as they mourn his passing, particularly his mum who also lost her husband, Randal's father, about 18 months ago.

Recording the Bible in Kriol
Randal's testimony from 2015

The recordist from Adelaide playing his piano at East Point