The impact of the PEV
I've been encouraged recently by numerous stories of the PEV Bible really speaking to Aboriginal people around Australia.
A teacher who uses the PEV with students said, "It really does speak their language." And when the kids hear the recordings by Aboriginal people they are "rapt".
The PEV Prisoner's Journey course was run in Darwin prison and the participants said the translation helped them understand the Gospel of Mark.
A group in Adelaide (below) that uses the PEV in Bible studies found the easy reading style speaks to Aboriginal readers.
A pastor in Jabiru (Top End NT) uses it in church services and said "people get it."
An Aboriginal lady in Katherine uses the app and said it's easier to read and understand than other English versions.
The books of the Bible that will be included in the PEV Mini-Bible are already available in digital form.
Android app:
Give thanks for technology and that the PEV is already having an impact. Pray that the Plain English Version will be made available on YouVersion soon so that iPhone users can easily read it.
