It feels like we've been close to publishing a Mini-Bible in the Plain English Version (PEV) for a long time! (It's designed for Aboriginal people who don't speak English as their first language and will have about 70% of the New Testament, and a few excerpts from the Old Testament.) We are very thankful to have finally submitted the new parts and adjustments for an official consultant check! We still have the process of this final consultant check ahead of us, which involves someone checking the new/adjusted parts for accuracy, asking us questions, and asking us to check certain things with Aboriginal people. We also have a number of other things to do before publication – finishing choosing pictures, going through proofreaders' feedback, running spelling and punctuation checks, getting it typeset (formatted), deciding what to put in the centre (e.g. coloured pictures), preparing the introductory pages, figuring out a cover, and probably other things I haven't thought of yet. But we are getting closer...

Give thanks to God for all he has achieved so far. Give thanks also for our colleague who is doing the consultant check and typesetting. Please pray for perseverance for me and Dave Glasgow as we look forward to getting the PEV Mini-Bible published. Pray especially for energy for Dave, as at 87 he finds he is tiring more quickly than he'd like!