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Gathering a team

We had our team* conference at the end of August. It was great to spend time together, as we are usually spread around Australia. We discussed things like recruitment, and each had the opportunity to share about what we've been doing over the last year. It was clear that there are a lot of roles needed to enable Bible translation and encourage the use of existing translations!

Give thanks for all the people God has provided for this work, and for the encouragement of time together at our team conference. And pray with us for more workers to join the team over the coming years.

*Our 'team' is made up of those who work under the Australian Society for Indigenous Languages (AuSIL), and almost all of us are sent by Wycliffe Bible Translators. We also partner with a couple of colleagues who work in East Timor, but they couldn't make it to the conference.



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©2019 by Kathy Dadd

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