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Cultural misunderstandings

One of the things that we learnt about in the translation consultant training course was cultural misunderstandings. Some of the examples were quite entertaining!

In Matthew 10:14, Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet."

We know that was a sign of their intention not to return, but in Kunka shaking dust off your feet means you're inviting someone to fight you!

In Matthew 26:7, it says "a woman came to Jesus with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table."

We know that she was showing him honour, but in Bihar a woman pours oil on a man's head if she wants to marry him.

In Mathew 27:28, it says the soldiers "stripped Jesus and put a scarlet robe on him."

We know they were mocking him, but in the Dongria Kond tribe a scarlet cloth is put on someone when they start worshipping your gods, so they thought it mean Jesus had accepted the soldiers' religion!

In Luke 18:13, it says the tax collector "beat his breast".

We know that he was expressing his sorrow and repentance, but in Mauchi beating your breast is an expression of pride and defiance, and show you are ready to fight.

No wonder there are so many stages of checking a Bible translation!

Pray for wisdom for everyone involved in Bible translation to pick up potential misunderstandings.



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