The Plain English Version Mini-Bible consultant check is finished!
The final consultant check for the Plain English Version (PEV) Mini-Bible is complete! We are now checking the pictures with Aboriginal people to make sure they all make sense, and then we'll just have the punctuation checks and introduction/appendices to do, before it can be formatted. I've been saying that the PEV Mini-Bible will have about 75% of the New Testament, but when I remembered to actually check, I found it's about 70% (whoops).

If you'd like to know more about my work on the PEV you can watch the video below (feel free to share it with your church or Bible study), and you can read about my work on page 8 of the SMBC Spring news:
Give thanks for our consultant and for continued progress on the PEV Mini-Bible. Pray that the rest of the publication process will be smooth and that a printed PEV Mini-Bible will help people access God's word.