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A new year!

How would you describe the year that's been?

I think I would describe my year as "bitsy". It felt like there was always lots happening, lots of translation, recording and steps towards publishing, but no major milestones.

I'm thankful for:

  • Realising that all the bitsy things are still important and that I actually enjoy doing them (they certainly make the year go by quickly!)

  • Susanna deciding to continue working in Darwin on the Plain English Version (rather than moving to Ethiopia, at least at this stage)

  • All the PEV recordings that happened and the wonderful volunteers who checked them (there are still more to check if anyone else wants to volunteer)

  • All the PEV individual booklets getting formatted and proofread, including some completely new ones

  • Dave's Little Book about the Bible – written, formatted and proofread, and some great feedback from Aboriginal church leaders

Give thanks for all that God has done so far with the Plain English Version, including the impact we haven't heard about.

Sunrise on New Year's Day

Hopes for the year to come

I like to use the new year to reflect on the year that's passed, and the one to come. What are your hopes for the year to come? How would you like God to use you and grow you this year? I'd love to hear from you!

I'm praying that this year:

  • The PEV Mini-Bible will arrive in Australia (it's being printed in Singapore)

  • PEV John and Acts will be made available as individual booklets

  • Dave's Little Book about the Bible will be printed

  • The PEV recordings of the translated narratives will be ready (OT selections, gospels and Acts)

  • The rest of Genesis, Jonah and some more Psalms will be available in PEV (digitally)

  • God will provide another worker for the PEV

  • We will have another multi-language Bible translation workshop

  • God will give me wisdom about what projects other than the PEV to be involved in, such as organisation-wide needs and other languages, and that God will help me to contribute joyfully

Pray that God will continue to provide all that is needed to make progress with the PEV, and that he will give me wisdom to know how best to invest my time.



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©2019 by Kathy Dadd

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