It seems that at the end of each year we expect COVID to decrease its impact on our lives, only to be disappointed. Of course we can't know what 2022 will bring, but COVID doesn't seem to be slowing down, and for the Northern Territory it will be our first year of really having it in the community. Yet despite the turmoil created by COVID, when I look back at 2021 I can think of so many things to be thankful for, and I pray that in 2022 I will be able to continue that outlook.
The new year is a great opportunity to reflect on the year that's passed and pray for the year to come. I'd love to hear what you are thankful for from 2021, and how I can be praying for you in 2022.
~ These photos are of the sunrise on New Years Day in Maningrida, on the land of the Kunibídji (Ndjebbana) people. ~

From 2021 I'm thankful for (amongst many other things):
God's amazing provision through generous supporters
The Plain English Version (PEV) Mini-Bible being sent to the printers (70% New Testament)
Susanna working on more PEV translation
Bible Society beginning to organise audio recordings of the PEV narratives
The translation of a short Christmas passage into 10 Aboriginal languages
Trip to Goulburn Island and some Bible translation in Mawng
60 year anniversary of AuSIL/Wycliffe working with Indigenous Australians
Trips to Sydney and Brisbane and opportunities to share with churches and Bible colleges
God's grace and everyone around the world who has experienced and studied COVID and COVID prevention strategies, allowing the NT to keep COVID out until recently

For 2022 I'm praying for (amongst many other things):
The PEV Mini-Bible sample to be approved for printing (soon!)
The PEV individual book publications to be updated, and John and Acts added to the set (already translated)
Completion of more PEV translation
More people to work on PEV translation
More people to support Aboriginal Bible translators
Audio recordings of the PEV narratives to be completed
Low rates of COVID hospitalisations that our health systems can cope with